The false Dylan Roof Burger King claim is trending again today, being used in comparison to another death row inmate who was executed. Here’s the background on that, as the comparison makes no sense.
They were tense, knowing he was armed and might not have anything to lose, but Roof was eerily calm and quiet during the encounter and was apprehended without incident. Afterwards, he was taken to Shelby police station.
Keep in mind, this was already an international story, reporters & gawkers began to fill the parking lot. The small town police department’s job, at this point, was to keep Roof safe until the FBI & state investigators arrived, amid what the police chief called “organized chaos.”
Part of this was getting him food, since he reportedly “hadn’t eaten in a couple of days.” According to reports, an officer went out and bought a hamburger for him. Considering the chaos, they were unequipped to feed him otherwise and chose a quick and easy option.
Just hrs later he was moved to Cleveland County Courthouse & then flown to Charleston later that evening. One might scoff at feeding an accused mass murderer, but no matter how heinous the crime, a detainee has rights that must be honored, else it could jeopardize the prosecution
Given the high profile nature of this case, the small town police chief was understandably focused on not screwing anything up.
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