Pretty awesome seeing the irrigation tech being deployed at this project, Palmlife, Ivanhoe Farm, Mash East. Seems blueberry is the new gold.
How they grow them #Thread
Project started 2019. The farm is 45ha with 30ha of blueberry so far. Production this year is c100 tonnes, off the first 10ha. 600 tons expected next year off 30ha. A further 14ha will be planted in April 2021, taking total to 44ha of blueberries
Growing blueberries seems a lot. Each blueberry plant grows in its own pot. Not directly in the soil. The pots are laid out on raised mounds covered with a weed matting fabric. Yuwi 🙌🏽
Now the irrigation part is fascinating: Water is pumped from reservoir to tanks where it’s tested for pH and electrical conductivity and nutrients added. The fortified water solution is then pumped to each and every plant pot in exactly the same amount - and at the same time
The berries are harvested – manually – and sent to the pack house, which is around 5 degrees temperature. Grading is done under LED lighting to ensure sorters select the berries correctly. The berries are then kept in storage at 1 degree, then packed for local market and export
Massive respect to these guys. We need more such hitech agric. Saka who wants to grow blueberries? 😎(Pics & info via @SDMagZim)
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