"Euthanasia deaths are now serving as a growing source of organ and tissue donations in Canada. Unlike other countries, Canada is the first jurisdiction to allow non-patient-initiated discussion of organ donation for those approved for euthanasia."
Source: The “Normalization” of Euthanasia in Canada:
the Cautionary Tale Continues, World Medical Journal
"Ongoing court challenges to legislative requirements for euthanasia have resulted in its approval for individuals with chronic illnesses such as osteoarthritis, dementia, and physical disability."

And those court challenges are all backed by one well funded source I believe
A person was given MAiD for osteoarthritis in Canada - and that was BEFORE the "reasonably foreseeable" clause was removed.

IS ANYONE IN THIS COUNTRY PAYING ATTENTION or are you all so driven by fear of disability you can't listen?
"Examples are mounting of Canadians requesting euthanasia because of lack of access to care, such as long-term care or disability supports."
"A significant number of reports have documented cases in which individuals have been told by health care professionals and others to consider euthanasia as an “answer” to a perceived poor quality of life or a lack of health care resources to meet their needs. "
"Motivation for these decisions and suggestions appears to include the cost of care or specialized supports."
"It is also important to note that, during the legalization process, access to palliative care was positioned as a “safeguard” for euthanasia. However, in reality, less than 30% of Canadians have access to any form of palliative
care and less than 15% have access to specialized"
"Many, including Sharif and Gingerich, have questioned if
euthanasia can truly be an informed choice if there is no meaningful access to palliative care [49]."

We are literally giving Canadians the 'choice' of suffering with NO QUALIFIED HELP provided to them or MAiD. "Choice"
"Although economic considerations may not currently be driving the normalization and expansion of euthanasia in Canada, it cannot be denied that the procedure is significantly cheaper than rigorous, traditional palliative care."
"The fnancial savings of euthanasia for the health care system in Canada have already been reported [50] and with an aging demographic and diminishing fiscal resources, the option to save money in this way may become increasingly acceptable to health care decision makers."
This was written about the existing MAiD legislation - now imagine the savings when you add in all us disabled people who are receiving disability benefits. https://twitter.com/mssinenomine/status/1337429594098429961?s=20
"There is no mandatory palliative care consultation prior to euthanasia. The only requirement is that a patient is aware of all options for care...Awareness is not the same thing as meaningful access"
"what a person understands palliative care to be may influence the person’s understanding of what palliative care has to offer."
"Suffering — pain, fear, loss of control, sense of burden—is not solved by hastened death, but by this excellent care, delivered in a community and a society that honours
and protects our most vulnerable citizens at the most difficult times in their lives."
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