Basically, I think a few pieces of content are being exaggerated in the counts.

1. Kids content. They announced a ton. Guess what? Disney already makes a TON of kids content off their branded IP.

This isn't new, but being described that way.
2. Marvel shows. Most of the announcements were for shows we knew were coming, and basically Marvel shows are no longer destined for other SVOD/broadcast.

This has been part of the plan since the first announcement, so not sure why the hype now.
3. Star Wars. Now Star Wars shows are new this decade, which is a change. But the big worry is that the quality of all the Star Wars content gets overwhelmed. Plus...
4. Announced content that doesn't happen.

Remember the Benioff and Weiss Star Wars trilogy? The Rian Johnson trilogy? Countless other rumored shows/films that disappeared?

I have some concerns with that for Star Wars content in particular. If Obi-Wan/Andor flops...🤷‍♂️
5. Some of these announcements were for movies, that will be on Disney+, but that was part of the business model anyways.
I guess, my point is this is why I was bullish on Disney+ when it was announced/investor day 2019. They could always through this level of content at it.

But as for what we learned from a strategic perspective? I'm not really sure.
6. Lots of things don't have dates, or have dates 3-4 years in the future.

That's a long time to wait! And didn't we know the content was coming anyways?
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