"11 Strategies to manage stress and anxiety" — @jasminechenLIFE

To Combat Stress

1. Breathe in for 5, out for 5

Our average breathing pace is 2 seconds in, 2 seconds out. When you are stressed you may notice it speeding up even more.

Slow it down. Try to do it from your belly.

Deep abdominal breathing lowers heart rate and blood pressure.
2. Work out

Do some push-ups, sit-ups, or pop in a YouTube workout video.

Put that excess adrenaline to good use!

Think of it as “running” from your perceived danger.
3. Laugh

Instead of scrolling through feeds on Covid-19, watch standup comedy.

In a study of cancer patients, the improvement from humor was even more pronounced than from other coping mechanisms such as distraction.
4. Affirm your values

Understanding your values is crucial for motivation, goal-setting, and decision-making.

Studies have shown that those who reflect on their values experience less stress and show a substantial decrease in cortisol compared to control groups.
5. Write three things you’re grateful for


• Lowers blood pressure;
• Improves immune function;
• Generates more acts of helpfulness and generosity.
People who experience gratitude:

• Can cope more effectively with everyday stress;
• Show increased resilience in the face of trauma;
• Recover more quickly from an illness;
• Enjoy more robust physical health.
6. Practice progressive muscle relaxation

This is an exercise that involves clenching certain muscle groups one at a time and then slowly releasing them.

People with insomnia often find this is helpful for falling asleep.
What can I do to combat anxiety?

7. Practice Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Thinking “I can’t do anything right” might create a feeling of hopelessness, which leads to giving up.

Thoughts like “I could have done some things differently” might encourages reflection and growth.
8. Do structured problem-solving

1. Define the problem.
2. List possible solutions.
3. Pick the idea you think is best.
4. Evaluate it (time/effort).
5. Write a solution statement.
6. Break it down.
7. What’s one thing you can do this month? This week? Today? Right now?
9. Grounding exercise

• 5 things you can see
• 4 things you can touch
• 3 things you can hear
• 2 things you can smell
• 1 thing you can taste
10. Buy probiotics and stay hydrated

90% of the body's serotonin, "the happy chemical", is made in the digestive tract.

From bowel movements to eating, your gut is like a second brain.

Take care of it with probiotics and water.
11. Keep your sleep schedule

Science shows that the strong relationship between sleep and depression/anxiety goes both ways.

Those with insomnia are 10x more likely to have depression and 17x more likely to have clinical anxiety.

Keep on schedule. Shut off phones.
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