I have been listening to Biden's recording with Civil Rights leaders and his tone and bs was a trip I wasn't ready for.

The disrespect was absolutely unacceptable. No self-respecting African-American should be allowing old White dudes to talk to them this way. (THREAD)
The other thing that irritated me was his demand that we work with White Hispanics. We GOTTA do it.

Nobody is else is told they have to work with other racial groups except African-Americans. No other racial groups are ridin for us!

I'll show you. 2/
The NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) advocates for all people of colors. It was founded by Blacks, but looked out for all the Brown immigrants that came here AFTER us.

Black folks fought for and protected the rights of all non-White people.
Other groups don't. I looked.

The National Council for Asians and Pacific Islanders don’t advocate for Black people. I haven't heard on call for them to help and support Black people. 4/

The Jewish Federations don’t advocate for Black people either. Nobody is telling them they need to include Black people in their agendas or work with them. 5/

The American Mexican Association only advocates for Mexican communities in America. Never have they a Black or colored agenda. No one told them they needed to repay us for your sacrifices. 6/ https://ama-usa.org/ 
The National Network for Arab Americans only advocates for Arab-American communities and Arab community-based organizations. There is no Black agenda here, no forced cooperation pleas either. 7/ https://www.nnaac.org/mission 
The Ku Klux Klan, a White nationalist terrorist group, has always advocated for the interests of White people, just like the Sons and Daughters of the Confederacy and all those little White secret society organizations, like the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks. 9/
African-Americans are the ONLY people FORCED to work with everyone and get nothing in return. We're are asked to wait, settle, and not take care of our own.

We are asked to do what no one else does for us. At some point, African-Americans are going to have to wake up.

We need our own agenda, our own organizations, our own advocacy tools, and our own lobbyists just for us, just like everyone else.

When they tell us to wait.... they are telling us to allow others to get in front of us and take resources away from us we earned.

Just wake up ya'll. We're not in a #coalition, we're in a #competition. Help yourselve, because nobody else will.

We. Are. All. We. Got. And a lot of US ain't even for US.

Black Lives Matter.

12/12 (End) https://medium.com/afrosapiophile/6f7052eefce
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