#a2council Preview of Wed's Transportation Commission mtg: Healthy Streets Pilot key findings and more details reports available here: https://www.peoplefriendlystreets.org/healthy-streets-project/
#a2council Some excerpts: "73-81% of respondents who used a specific pilot project reported that it improved their experience biking downtown" & "76% of respondents who used any of the pilot projects reported that the pilot projects collectively increased their sense of comfort..
"..., security, and safety when bicycling downtown" & "Bicycle traffic increased dramatically among all sites after deployment. Thursday / Friday / Saturday average
change was +54% / +60% / +93% increase, respectively." #a2council
#a2council "The pilot projects did not result in significant impacts to motorized traffic operations in the downtown, particularly after field adjustments were made to improve operations. Through the survey, many respondents who were not pilot project users expressed concern...
"...with perceived traffic delays. However, based on direct observation and video footage review, back-ups were not pervasive and were typically limited to specific intersections at certain timeframes." #a2council
#a2council "Few significant backups (defined as 10+ vehicles) were observed outside of certain
peak hour times at certain intersections. Based on video footage review and direct observations, most delays cleared within 30-90 seconds, and significant instances of backups..."
#a2council "...affecting adjacent intersections were not observed consistently" & "Vehicle speeds: The temporary street changes reduced speed at nearly all pilot locations by 1-6 mph; reducing the likelihood of a severe/fatal crash."
#a2council "Across all the crashes recorded during deployment, the frequency of crashes was lower (although in part expected given the overall decrease in traffic volumes)."
#a2council And to summarize, "Based on user comments and survey results, people who used the pilot projects found that they made it easier, safer, and more comfortable to navigate the downtown area. These results are nearly the opposite for people who reported that they have...
#a2council "...not used the pilot projects for walking or biking. This difference may highlight a broader
community polarization about how streets are designed and used. As with all transportation projects, the relative
tradeoffs that are made in street design are a matter of...
#a2council "...community values, and it is of the upmost importance for leadership, staff, and others involved to clearly articulate these values and how potential projects might reinforce or work against those values."
Tune in for Transportation Commission Wednesday evening to hear about this report + a lot more! I assume this will also be discussed at a future Council mtg. Also sorry for swamping #a2council !
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