Black people have a tormented history with the medical field and medical advancements. Tuskegee, the origins of gynecology, Henrietta Lacks, etc... We have a right to be cautious of new medical advancements.

That same hesitancy is exposing us to opposite but equally damaging healthcare disparities. Vaccination rates are consistently lower for Blacks than for whites. Subsequently, the morbidity and mortality rates for those preventable diseases are higher among Blacks than whites.
Also throw in the fact that we're less likely to perform lifestyle changes necessary to prevent or control other, non-vaccine preventable diseases such as diabetes and hypertension either due to lack of understanding or lack of access (e.g. food deserts)....

We all fucked up.
Unfortunately, too many of us (Black folks) look for an easy way out when it comes to healthcare. Several of us flock to non-formally trained ideals (e.g. Dr. Sebi) because of our distrust with the formal medical field. But...that is not sufficient and could be dangerous alone.
You're not going to vitamin your way into pristine health if you're smoking/drinking daily, chronically overweight with no effort in attempting to lose any, using celery/season/onion salts in every meal, and so on. Like....that's just not gone happen.
Same thing with COVID. We are not about to Vitamin C and enchinacea our way into herd immunity.

Does it help? Sure.
Does it help enough to stop the whole ass pandemic outside? Hell naw.

Anybody that was on here talmbout about taking gas station secks pills cannot question the safety or efficacy of a COVID vaccine.
(Sorry to end on that note, but I had to get that off my chest. Lmao)
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