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Twitter has morphed into Resister tribalism where we eat our own. I’ve watched the nasty fights the last few days and have seen some very disturbing things.

Everyone seems to be a part of a little cult group with rules and 💩.
Groups even have rooms where they plot out their activities and target certain resisters to 🍔 en masse. Or target resisters by engaging in crazy talk to rile them up and get them suspended because some people have short fuses
This is what people do for fun. It’s mean and dispiriting and if you are a part of such things you are a mean and horrible person. Twitter is not a group think for destruction but a social gathering to share like minded interests such as the Resistance, but many other interests2
If someone tells you 2 🍔someone they are up to no good. If you 🍔 someone who has done nothing to you then you DAF. I know because I myself have done it. You are denying yourself a chance to read their stuff or even find out that they might be pretty cool actually
Other people have jobs where they slide into DMs to start trouble and then come running for help when they are attacked. Again this is designed behavior to illicit responses so they can get you suspended. Often times they target larger accounts
These people do not care who they hurt because this is what they enjoy about Twitter causing havoc. There are people who get upset just because they are listed with someone they do not like and then you become an enemy.
Someone told me last night that a certain individual watches my account looking for clues as to who I engage with and to find any tweets that might be inappropriate and they actually named this individual. I could burger 🍔this person but to what end? Someone else will watch
Why would someone watch my account? I write like five tweets a day and a few lists a day. There is nothing exciting about my account. I’m fortunate my tweets get some measure of attention but that’s no reason to target me unless my influence upsets you and that’s a you problem
I’ve come to believe you can’t control what happens on Twitter. Nobody really seems to care what happens until they are affected by it. Every argument or fight people take sides regardless of the truth. In this regard we are very much like Trumper cultists.
What I know is I have never acted inappropriate in any way on Twitter. People always slide into my DMs to see what they can discover. I send most packing. If you tell me to 🍔someone the chances are I’m going to burger you instead
If you come to my DM and then claim I acted inappropriate then I’m going to post the whole DM chat where everyone can see it and judge for themselves. I mean why not people love drama.
It’s weird because when I came to Twitter no one knew I existed and now everyone seems to know who I am. I love what I do here, but if it threatens you then you have serious issues. Instead of stirring the pot find your own voice and have something to say.
Dont attack others because you haven’t figured out how to Twitter. I mean seriously it’s not my fault if your Twitter experience sucks so being mean is all you have
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