Coming up on @newsmax in a few minutes.
Little thread: On this @newsmax segment (I hope to get a clip) I was on opposite a pediatrician to discuss COVID lockdown mental health implications for kids. We mostly agreed but then I said kids rarely spread it and we shouldn't have Kindergartners in masks and she disagreed.
She said kids "spread it to their families," which is extremely rare, and then she said she has an 18 month old in a mask and it's fine. I didn't get a chance to respond to that or I would have pointed out that the CDC says masks should NOT be worn by anyone under 2.
And let's think this through: it's September 2021 and we are, hopefully, vaccinated and no longer wearing masks. Kids, however, are not vaccinated. Will kids still be in masks while adults are not? Of course not. At that point we will face reality. Let's do it sooner.
Finally, she said that masks are why NYC schools have a low case rate. So what explains Europe's low case rate in schools since most places don't have masks on kids under 12? If the facts led to mask-wearing for small kids, I'd say fine! But they don't. We will admit it someday.
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