One of the reasons I continue to speak on black issues is because a large section of this country still denies the black experience.
I had someone email me this week about my story on how the pandemic is impacting Black & minority-owned businesses. They said stories like this isolate people and if I truly believed in equality I should talk to all small businesses. Dude you’ve missed the entire point.
Responses like that and negative ones on Facebook is exactly why the story needed to be done. We still have people who can’t admit that Black Americans are faced with systemic issues dating back to slavery that affect us to this day. We did not have a 400 year head start.
Their response to that was hopefully we can move on from something that was abolished in 1865. If you can tell me how you’re not allowed the same freedoms and opportunities as me I’d be on your side. From where I’m standing you can do everything I can without being oppressed.
I said one of reasons you can’t move on is because there is still discrimination, racism and systemic issues that put minorities at a disadvantage. Which was said by almost every person I interviewed in the story. They go on to say “well, you hit all the talking points.” 🤦🏾‍♂️
Eventually I had to stop corresponding because he just didn’t get it or want to get it.

I’m a journalist, but I’m black first at the end of the day. Part of my job is to report the truth and facts and I’ll continue to be a voice for the voiceless.
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