How To Make Your Twitter Account Immortal:

Lessons I learned from getting 14.4k thousand followers, losing them and getting them again.

Important thread if (or when) you lose your account:
I want to show you my appreciation for your support, my friend.

At the end of this thread you'll find a free gift: How I Write a Week of Tweets In One Sitting.



You already showed me your support, and I'm grateful.

That being said,

Let's start:
I lost my account because I created an account when I was under 13 years old.

(Dumb rule, I know)

But it happened.

9 months of work.


I got pissed.

I wanted to leave it.

But then I felt something similar to what @lawrencekingyo felt when he got locked out as well:

I simply found an alternate account,

Told everyone what happened,

And started tweeting once again.

I didn't know it,

But unconsciously I was already prepared for this.

I did many things wrong with my account,

but here's what I did right:
I became more than an account.

For some, I was a teacher.

For others, I was a friend.

For others, I was a student.

I took my relationships from Twitter to the next level (without even realizing it)

This is what this thread is about:
"You can only connect the dots looking backwards."

-Steve Jobs

Here are those dots:

1. Pattern recognition
2. Down, Up & Middle Help
3. Reputation
4. Taking It Outside
5. Help

Do these 5 and your account will be immortal.

Let's begin:
1) Pattern Recognition

You know me as JK Molina, but what do you think when you see this?
For the majority, that's Paul from the book Dune.

But on Twitter, that's JK.

I used the same avi from 1,000 followers up to 14.4k followers.

When I came back, guess what avi I used?

I chose one theme and went with it.

When you saw the new account you knew it was me.
This doesn't apply for non-anon accounts.

In that case your pattern is your face.

But if you are anon, try not to mess with your avis too much.

What do you see below?

I don't see Bateman or a Monk.

I see @bannedvertising and @wizofecom.
2) Down, Up & Middle Help.

People with bigger followings are not better than you,

They just started earlier.

People with smaller followings are not worse than you,

They just started later.

Wanna make it on Twitter?

Here's the secret sauce:
Treat everyone like they'd like to be treated.

(Not to say you shouldn't block weirdos)

All things equal, people like to be treated like people.

If you're a big account, gift one smaller account your course.

If you're a smaller account, help bigger accounts with their stuff.

If you've got friends in here, create a group and talk about shit you like.

@chadaunderwood created a fantastic set of notes from my podcast with @hypefury.

I'll gift my course to my homies because I know they'll appreciate it.

I'll get people on calls and talk about strategy with our projects.

There are many ways to help.

So help.
3) Reputation

Huge lesson from @ChroniclesNate:

Always Be Giving.

Selfish people don't make it far in business.

That's just how it is.

Imagine if you were the guy who

-Retweets someone twice in exchange for one
-Gives more than he asks for
-Hands out advice selflessly...
What do you think would happen to your account?

On your launch day, you'll have 50 people retweeting your sales tweet.

When you lose your account, you'll have 50 people shouting you out.

When shit happens, they will be there for you.

Always Be Giving.

Never forget this.
4) Taking it Outside

There's magic in taking people from Twitter to Telegram.

From Telegram to Zoom.

And hopefully from Zoom to real life.

(We're all meeting someday. I'll make sure of it.)

When I got locked out, I couldn't use Twitter (obviously)

So what did I do?
Reached out to my

-Clients on Instagram
-Friends on Telegram
-Discord channels

That's great for friends, but here's the most important part of this thread:
Build an email list.

Remember that you Twitter account isn't yours.

Your email list is.

I don't care how big or small your account is,

Build an email list.


Let's run the numbers:
I gained 4k followers in a week.

The day I blasted my email list I gained 800.

(So thank you!)


Build an email list.

5) Help

More like asking for help.

If you do all these steps right then people will like you.

If they like you, they'll help you.

But they won't help you if you don't ask.

So ask.

Don't be afraid of asking people for help.

Giving gives you the right to ask.
Everyone helped me so much in this journey, it's insane.

Again, I appreciate you all for being here.

Let's keep growing.

Let's keep moving.

And let's make some fucking money.




Here's my free gift to you:

How A Ghostwriter Writes A Week of Tweets In One Sitting.

I'm fucking insane showing you this, but I don't care.

It's a token of appreciation for everything you've done for me: 
Gracias por tu ayuda hermano.

Nos veremos pronto.

Con amor,

You can follow @OneJKMolina.
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