The photo was taken 12.12.1961
This image marks the 5th day in the advent calander -> D5
D5 = 12.5.2020
12.5 -> POTUS holds rally in Valdosta GA.
POTUS wore a black suit while FLOTUS wore a long red coat matching the outfits worn by JFK & JaQUEline.
On 12.6.2020, FLOTUS shared an image of a Cross Hall full of Christmas trees. Located under one of the trees is a gift.
This gift is wrapped in solid black wrapping paper with a red ribbon.

This matches the outfit worn by both the Kennedy's & Trumps.
Adding to the Kennedy connection, the time stamp on her tweet is 2:21
JFK was taken from us on 11.22.1963
A bit of speculation here but, if we could see the seconds in the timestamp of the tweet, I bet we would find it to be 2:21:01 or 2:21:10
2:21:1 mirrored 11.22
Digging into the words of FLOTUS tweet, she uses the words "love, joy, peace, hope & faith" which relate back to the Advent.
Specifically the advent wreath which typically contained 4 candles.
3 purple
1 rose
Sometimes, a 5th candle is added.
The 5th is white.
The 3 purple candles symbolize hope, peace & love.
The 4th rose candle symbolizes joy.
The 5th white candle symbolizes the angels &/or the birth of Jesus.
The words she uses here specifically refrence the the representation of the candles on the Advent wreath.
Here we run into a bit of a conflict.
So far, everything has tied into the Advent Calander but the words she uses direct us to the Advent wreath.

The difference I find is that the calander is is countdown.
It ends.
The wreath is a circle symbolizing ongoing life.
The candles provided comfort in the depths of winter.
The longest night is the winter solstice which falls on 12.21.2020
This also happens to be the the night that Saturn & Jupiter align for the 1st time in 800 yrs.
Days become longer starting 12.22
> dark to light
Back to symbolisim
Saturn represents Satan
Jupiter represents Jesus
On 12.21, the "Christmas Star" returns for the 1st time in 800 yrs.
8 = ♾
Jupiter over takes Saturn = Jesus over takes satan
This ties back to the Advent wreath as Jesus overtakes Saturn.
The 5th candle represents Jesus, the Son of God.
5 candles -> 5 days [D5] -> the darkest day sees the Christmas star return [12.21] -> 12.22 sees the return of the sun [Son] -> Dark to Light
The Great Awakening
Going back to the candles on the wreath.
3 candles are purple.
Purple symbolizes Royalty & is often associated w/ the British royal family.
FLOTUS tweet was posted on 12.6
The 6th day of the WH Advent calander is a photo of GHWB
The day JFK was taken from us, GHWB has testified he doesn't remember where he was.
This is odd as almost everyone whom experienced this day remember s every detail.
Rumor has long spread there is an image of GHWB in Dallas that day & many speculate he was intimately involved.
The advent calander image shows GHWB being "lifted" into position to fit the Christmas star on top of the tree.

Is this telling us he was lifted to position of POTUS by the royals for taking care of JFK?
Coincidently, Space X is set to launch today at 12:20 which mirrors FLOTUS timestamp of 2:21.
Ivanka tweet
2 holes in 1
2 holes in 1
Posted at 10:10 on 12.11
Contrary to the SpaceX tweet, thier website has a launch time of 11:21 est
11:21 on 12.11
> mirror
Backup launch 12.12 @ 11:21 est
12.6 -> GHWB mounting Christmas star
12.11 -> SpaceX launch to the stars
12.21 -> 1st Christmas star in 800 yrs
12.22 -> Dark to light

Its going to be Biblical
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