There's a huge difference between the ones who actually believe that the election was rigged - I'm sure Jim Jordan and Ron Johnson do, they're both batshit crazy - and those, like McConnell, who know perfectly well it wasn't but are keeping their mouths shut.
There is nothing we can do about the first bunch, they'll go to their graves believing whatever nutso theory Trump wants them to believe.

The second group are more dangerous. They're willing to negotiate away our democracy to hold on to power. They don't care that Biden won.
They don't even care that Biden won overwhelmingly. They want to hold on to their seats and they'll sign on to a lawsuit to steal the presidency and they won't lose a second's sleep over it.

That's why they're so dangerous.
And when people talk about reaching out to the other side - why? Jim Jordan is never going to not be Jim Jordan. Mitch McConnell is never going to give an inch that isn't forcibly taken from him.

We have to go around them, over them, through them if necessary.

That's it.
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