This may not seem like something EduTwitter should worry about but her bill applies to K-12 sports. And not only is it cruelty for cruelty's sake, but it's based on a flawed but common assumption.

It presumes we know our "biological sex." The overwhelming majority of us don't.
It says, "sex shall be determined on the basis of biological sex as determined at birth by a physician."

Physicians don't determine our sex, though. "Sex" is a combination of factors, chromosomes and body parts, and physicians eyeball body parts. And just the easy-to-see parts.
This bill likely won't go anywhere but it's critical that us adults around young people harmed by such bills are crystal clear: Bills, or school policies, like this are transphobic and should not be tolerated.
This is a fantastic thread from Parker that provides more context around the issue of "fairness" and trans athletes.
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