Response to NCS statement re "licensing" therapy (regulation). Two issues:
a) protecting titles
b) SCoPEd
The MBs will try to convince us we can't do one without the other. This is not true. Whether or not you want a), SCoPEd remains illegitimate, discriminatory and unethical.
This licensing thing has been in the pipeline for a while. I believe that SCoPEd is an attempt by the MBs to monopolise on this and enshrine their own trainings while they have the chance. Cementing their own status and revenue streams maybe?
This would explain why the purpose has been so vague and ill-defined, and why they appear to be pressing ahead at all costs. Because it looks like there are other purposes we haven't been party to.
Whether or not we want protected titles, we don't have to accept their unevidenced version of what the definitions of those titles are. In the context of licensing, it is more important than ever that we resist SCoPEd. The hierarchy that will screw therapists and clients alike.
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