Not a big fan of how black folks get brought up by white folks to only further THERE point.

Everyone wants to being up black folks when it comes the death penalty, but that's the least of our issues.

Third strike laws and outrageous sentencing is our biggest issue.
I get that people don't like the Death penalty, but I'm tired of seeing non black folks use us as a reason to fight it.

Cops kill us in the streets and get away with it. The death penalty is so far down the list of issues it's not even funny.
Overturning bullshit drug convictions where black folks are getting 30 years for 8 grams of cannabis.

Or how the bail system is used to hold black folks indefinitely before they even get a trial.

Kyle Shittenhouse killed two people and got bail. Black folks get denied for less.
The actual way the law is applied across the BOARD is inherently racist. And the Death Penalty is an example of an issue being important to white people and using black folks to justify it.

Cause the issue isn't actually black lives, it's just used as a chip in the game.
If you step aside and let more black folks take rolls I'm government, we could speak to the issues we need. And actually have the voice to speak for ourselves.

Rather than need white folks to speak for us.
Its one of those topics where I challenge white folks to talk about it without bringing up PoC.

The issue has to be deeper than that cause the justice system as a whole, from the jump, is anti black.

Its like it only matters when we're dead.
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