“Women may be traumatized by seeing images of abortion” is a comment I hear a lot.

If you support a woman’s choice to get an abortion, but don’t want her to/ think she can’t handle seeing what abortion is, then you support a choice being made without all the relevant facts.
If you truly support a woman making an informed choice, she first has to be informed. No abortion clinic shows the woman the aftermath of abortion. They do not obtain true informed consent, in order not to offend her. This is wrong. Women deserve the whole truth.
If you really support true choice, and informed consent, you should thank me for showing the public the images nobody else shows. I can’t force someone not to abort, but I am definitely giving them information nobody else is.
“If I’d known it looked like that, I never would’ve done it.”

I have lost count of how many women have said this to me.

If you think it’s better that a woman made a choice she wouldn’t have made with all the facts, rather than upset her with them, shame on you.
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