This thread is my own. (1) Republican legislatures prevented states from counting early/mail in ballots. (2) The majority of early/mail in votes were cast by people voting for Biden. (3) When all those LEGAL votes were finally counted, Biden won. Simple math.
4) Dozens of challenges filed by Trump aligned lawyers have been thrown out of court by both R and D appointed judges for lack of evidence. (5) The US Attorney General’s Office (AG appointed by a Trump) reports no evidence of fraud.
6) Per the U.S. Constitution, states determine and administer the voting process, not the federal gov’t, and not any other state. (7) So far it appears the states followed their own rules in administering the election. That means election officials followed the law.
(8) So-called “leaders” and lawmakers supporting the effort to overthrown states’ votes are, therefore, proceeding (on the basis of no evidence) to try to disenfranchise American citizens and undermine the Constitutional foundation of American democracy.
9) in so doing they are violating at least the spirit their oaths of office, which include in some form the words “to support and defend the Constitution of the United States.” This behavior cannot be excused by political or professional expediency.
10) Both my parents served in WWII. On her deathbed my mother asked “What is happening to this country?” I miss them both terribly but am glad they are gone, since seeing what is happening now would distress them both terribly, as it distresses me.
11) So this is my personal statement: I condemn, in the strongest possible terms, anyone of any party who would subvert our form of government in order to hold to power regardless of consequence, and stand with those upholding the U.S. Constitution and American democracy.
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