11 December 2020 #MAGAanalysis #Overturn

The Theory Of The Case


2) My most important point is, again, that YOU can read it. You can study and comprehend its every point. Law is for ALL of us, not for the elite few.
3) I apologize that you might have to look at my Twitter feed to see the work I've been doing on the legal brief. As I so often do, I start out with the conclusion. There are 16 pages left from introduction through middle, that I haven't commented upon, yet.
5) We're going to go very slowly. As you can see, there are 61 paragraphs to take in. Covering them, I snapped 21 screenshots and numbered them, yesterday. We'll take each one at a time. If we don't complete today, we'll do so tomorrow.
6) Here is J.E.'s 1st paragraph. I didn't mark it up as it stands completely on its own already. The key concept is a centerline, a main effort. Note especially that we're talking strategy here, NOT mere tactics. A strategy has a centerline, a main effort.
7) In most of the screenshots to follow, we'll have 3 paragraphs to cover. That's part of our pacing, how slow we'll go. Each paragraph has its one key idea, and possibly others to parse as well. Please read carefully.
8) In paragraph two, I'd have to underline the whole thing if attempting to select what's important. Consider the first sentence...
9) "The supporting efforts contribute to the main effort, affording it what it needs in terms of strength, protection, breathing space, acceleration, and preparation for follow-through, including the need to move on to a next phase."
10) Let's take a moment on our author. J.E. is a Naval Intelligence expert. Here's her bio page at Leverty Unyielding. https://libertyunyielding.com/author/rightbrain/
11) What does it take to be able to write a single paragraph like the one above, let alone the entire analysis we must walk through? Beginnings are very important. We must move slowly through her beginning. And we shall.
12) Points:

1) The supporting efforts
2) contribute to the main effort
3) affording it what it needs in terms of
4) strength, protection, breathing space, acceleration, and preparation for follow-through
5) including the need to move on to a next phase.
13) Keep up now. There was a centerline main effort - we leave Kuwait and head toward Baghdad - and there has to be supporting efforts along the way to make that succeed. They give it:

"strength, protection, breathing space, acceleration, and preparation for follow-through"
14) But ultimately, all supporting efforts must empower our strategy to meet:

"the need to move on to a next phase"

Remember, we're still in the 1st half of the 2nd paragraph of 61. I can hardly wait to get to the application to come!
15) You have to follow this now. Every one of J.E.'s points indicates a military strategy manual's entry. What is breathing space? How does protection work? Each point is worthy of its own manual. And the application to politics? Again, each point is worth it's own manual.
16) In paragraph 3, we find first application. Most simply, there are both a main effort by the 2020 Trump team, and supporting efforts. This is the basis of our analysis. What is the main effort? What are its supporting efforts?
17) I have a hard time following J.E. over the next point. She tells us that there is one major supporting effort upon which the operational success of the campaign hinges. She will explain, but we must pause and ponder, first.
18) Here's your centerline. I want this, and I'm going to go get it. Here are your supporting efforts. I need this and I need that, if I'm going to succeed on my centerline. Okay. Of these, one may be most critical. It may be the hinge point one which my entire endeavor depends.
19) I refer you to paragraph 4 in its own wording. It is a qualifying and explaining paragraph, and I can do no better that to refer to it.
20) These two paragraphs take particular parsing. Completed, we learn this. The main effort is comprised of hearings. J.E. calls them the "dog-and-pony shows within the state legislatures."
21) This is really important! We've learned from @PubliusHuldah's work, that ONLY state legislatures are empowered to manage each state's election process. If we're going to defeat this evil attempt at election fraud, it will be in state legislatures that we do so.
22) We have discussed the ridiculous circular reasoning of declaring that evidence is not evidence before. As J.E. says, our presentations are declared "false" and "discredited."
23) But now we arrive at the true heart of the matter, the real definition of the centerline.

"The point is to get the state legislatures to hear evidence in a format that brings them before their constituents, and confront the evidence publicly."
24) "The point is to face the nation, in the forums that matter, with the reality of what just happened."

I have to go tactical now.
25) You have a state legislature. It operates by your will. It is on you to address this MOST CRITICAL action. Your state legislature has NO MORE IMPORTANT function than to secure the sanctity of the vote.
26) The reality of what just happened is a coup des tat. The US election has been suborned by evil actors. Each and every state legislature is on the line. They will either allow this, or not. The centerline is to disallow the suborning of our election.
27) J.E. tell us: "We can't continue to stumble along in complacent somnolence, reassuring ourselves with bromides about election fraud being rare and unimportant."

Election fraud is real. It is the ONLY story that matters today.
28) "the unaudited, un-validated vote is far bigger than is needed to correct the outcome in Trump's favor."

If you're not raging yet, I don't know what to tell you. Your vote has been invalidated. If we allow this to go uncorrected it will be on us, forever.
29) Paragraph 12 is where we get nasty. Look at it with me fearlessly.

"It's about unconstitutional rules - changing in swing states before the general election, which facilitated the lawless admission of thousands of "mail-in" ballots after statutory deadlines - ballots that...
30) "...ballots that in multiple cases were delivered by non-official vehicles in the dead of night, and for the processing of which civic monitors were excluded, often under contumely and threats."
31) That's all for today. We will pick up tomorrow with paragraphs 13 & 14. Between now and then, please meditate on true strategy, and the support tactics it requires. We are needed on both counts.
Thread ends at #31.
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