1. I am in the process of recovering four years of destroyed Twitter posts from my recent hack. Most related to an organization of rogue CIA agents doing election hacking, drug running, and dark weapons trading in a group led by AG Bill Barr. Other have call this the Enterprise.
2. The Enterprise is run Bill Barr himself and organized 800 ex-CIA agents and 300 ex-Soviet KGB Generals into a junta of 1,100 Frank Guistra partners in a sort of law firm of international crime. Iran Contra drug running was the first major operation in 1980. by the Enterprise.
3. Chip Tatum, a CIA pilot, flew Bill Barr, then a CIA attorney for George Bush, to Central America for Iran Contra banking and money laundering operations talks about this extensively in him book about his close friend, Robert Mueller, entitled, "The Mule".
4. A fundamental premise of my work over the last four years is to focus on this core Iran Contra, "Enterprise" group, to follow election hacking, dark weapons trade, drug running, and money laundering. Here are some video notes capture on the web from shows I did in 2016.
5. You can see in these 2016 show notes how my focus was on a USAID funded Serbian election flipping, subversive group called OTPOR. This group received subversion funds for election flipping through KKR, a joint venture of David Petraeus and Henry Kissinger.
6. Most surprising thing about the Enterprise, or the 1,100 Frank Guistra Enterprise Partners, is that it is a bi-partisan group of Democrats and Republicans. The Enterprise strategy is to control the Left and the Right, as you would your two hands on a steering wheel. From 2016
7. Some have termed this group the Deep State or "national security state" since the National Security Act of 1947, but I have been careful to say this is a small, rogue splinter group from the CIA since Iran Contra, recruiting from veterans of the JFK assassination and Phoenix.
8. A fundamental premise is my research has been to look at the encrypted communications of this "Enterprise Network", and you can create a bounding box for research of where the last attack came from, and where the next election operation is going to happen.
9. If you follow key Clinton operative, Peter Strzok and his covert communications with go-betweens Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman to Ukrainian billionaire oligarch Igor Kolomoisky, you can begin to see the black hand in Trump's Impeachment operations.
10. If you want to predict what network did election operations in the Fall of 2020, you might have the best luck in looking what "Enterprise Network" did the 2020 Impeachment operation and of dozens elections overseas in the previous twenty years with Serbian hackers OTPOR.
You can follow @GeorgeW63613375.
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