Unfortunately history is written by force/realities on the ground and if there is no conceivable chance of changing that by force then getting the best terms for "surrender" is the only smart option. Particularly if people living in camps or under occupation are paying the price https://twitter.com/yarahawari/status/1337088053786128385
Very easy for those living in comfort, security and dignity to call for a "fight to the end". They are not paying the price of daily humility, limited education and work opportunity and no mobility like the Palestinians under Israel control and in camps in Lebanon/Jordan.
Now that does not mean that civil society like BDS should not do its maximum to improve terms. Had PA been smart they would put removing sanctions against BDS in US/EU in any negotiation. The non-violent route is the most effective and that is why Israel fights it so hard.
Hamas & Co, either out of stupidity or worse, play right into the Israeli right wing's hands and do them (and Iran's Mullahs) the best service
Nobody should have illusions that "justice" that is not backed by coercion can ever overcome injustice. At the end of the day you have to play your best with the cards that you have got and not hope for miracles particularly if people are paying a heavy price for such illusions
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