Dear The National Sports Media:

You're always looking for stories about a team overcoming great odds, or stories of people banding together when things get tough.

So, allow me to introduce you to the Columbus Crew...
This team had a terrible owner (who can't relate to that?), who purposely tried to tank the team (think Major League but with accountants and ticket sales) so he could move them.

In fact, it appears he bought the team with that idea in mind.

Anthony Precourt is your villain.
But! There was a twist to one of the most dire narratives a sports team can face - this band of regular fans who started the Save The Crew movement.

They called everyone, never gave up, and found legal loopholes and caveats that bought them time to find a new owner.
This ridiculous, outlandish, mockable plan - against tremendous odds - actually worked! They found a new ownership group that included the team doctor, who was with the team since the beginning! What?!? Yes!!! That happened!

(Also, hi @DrPeteEdwards1 )
This new ownership hired a new coach, brought in some new players and less than two years from the date they took over, they have put that team in #MLSCup .

Against all odds, the Crew are on the verge of a title, in perhaps the most difficult year in American sports history.
And you want to talk about how the Patriots offense is a mess, or whether or not James Harden will show up to work? Basic blah sports stories?

This is your story. It should get a @netflix series or a documentary film crew. But a few minutes on @SportsCenter would be a start.
And to top it off, this team will be without two of it's best players due to Covid protocol.

Imagine, not getting to do something you love because of Covid in 2020. Is that relateable to anyone???

If they win this weekend, it's the greatest victory in sports history.
Ok, maybe not sports history. But certainly one of the best stories going in 2020.

And you want to talk about what the Eagles are going to do about Carson Wentz. JFC. I'm embarrassed for you.

Either cover sports, or don't. But if you love sports, talk about the #Crew96
You can follow @DegenerateTBone.
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