Why performers are bitching about pornhub/mindgeek/visa mastercard and why you should care (a thread):

Pornhub fucking sucks. They made a biz on the backs of content producers' hardwork and stolen content (mindgeek- manwin initially- made their money through a backend system
and through buying up small biz studios to become a super conglomerate, which created a variety of different issues in the adult industry. Whatever, wrong rant.)

Pornhub has operated like the wild wild west, allowing pirated content which sometimes is nonconsensual content.
Some of that content stays up for way too long after takedown requests, super problematic and potentially harmful. None of us like that this happens and we have spoken out about how to fix these issues for years (things like verification of those that upload to ensure that the
Content isn't stolen and that all in the vid are of age, just as adult content creators have done through things like legal paperwork such as a 2257.)
But let's not be confused about the article in the paper or what NK wrote. Homeboy is circle jerking with anti trafficking
Groups like Exodus Cry and other hella problematic zealot groups THAT WANT TO END PORN. They operate under the guise of helping end trafficking but when you do a little googly google searching, you will read that uh, they ain't.

Ok, back to PH. So PH runs a free site and a
Premium site. Visa/mastercard said hell to the no and pulled their plugs, after PH agreed to do the shit they should have done all along. So why does this matter on a free site? Bc they make money from their ad network (yeah, those distracting ads) & verified performers.
What's next? Next it could come to other sites. OF? Camsites? Production studio sites? Yup, could be next. They tried this shit with backpage but BP was able to save their asses under a protection called 230. 230 allows sites to be protected from
Content posted. So, if I wrote something touchy on a site, I would be responsible & not the site. Removing 230 (like the gvmt is trying to do right now) will remove those protections so if I write something on Twitter, Twitter can be held responsible. Ok, so what does this do?
Twitter will now censor so many things bc they no longer have protections. So now we are looking at some freedoms of speech fuckery. THIS IS WHERE YOU COME IN. They won't just censor me, they gonna censor you, too. All the sites. The EARN IT bill rolling though the gvmt right
Now? Yup, gonna fuck you this way. Gonna fuck us all like FOSTA/SESTA.

Ok, now to visa/mc. These dudes have been putting regulations on forever. Can't have blood, vampire teeth, "overly large" dildos- nope. Those are prohibited. Me selling my socks?! Another big no go. So these
Guys pair up with payment processing apps, sites, & companies who then have to follow V/MC rules & impose restrictions on content. If you violate those things, like sell your panties on PayPal, you can (& just a matter of time will) be shut down.

Shit. Ok, so how do performers
Get money with all of these restrictions and shut downs?

We pivot. We do things like take crypto (!!) We have to start small companies where we spend every dime trying to compete, we turn to in person work, we accept cash. That scarlet
Letter placed on me by society says this is what I do now and sometimes others don't have the resources necessary to do other work so whores4lyfe. Some of us feed our family this way. Some of us don't have skills to do other things. Some of us (gasp) love this industry.
(Bc you watch porn and you aren't going to pretend that if it goes away, your sexual urges will too, right? That would just be silly.)

You can not buy into these shock and awe pieces like NK wrote. You can support your favorite performers directly
Through whatever the fuck payment methods they have left. You can send some crypto to those that take it or educate (in a hella friendly way, I know crypto Twitter has a problem with this sometimes) others on how to take it as payment. You can research articles written by people
That work in the field (tons of sex workers and sex work adjacent folks that are writing their asses off right now.) You can follow people that have content on these very things. (I'll tag them at the end of this list.) But please don't buy the hype. Facebook has more
Human trafficking violations than PH and V/MC is turning a blind eye. Follow the facts, babies PLEASE I AM BEGGING YOU.

Next tweets are follow lists if you wanna read up.
Performers: @ConnerHabib @mistressmatisse @MistressEmelia @AshleyLatke

(I know I am missing a ton of women people but this is a great starting point for some really solid follows of some really smart and hard working people. Thanks for reading.)
You can follow @allieeveknox.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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