1/ Just remember that crypto traders are traders for a reason. They don’t pay attention, or even understand fundamentals. They will always be our communities worst enemy, and we will always win.

Chainlink right now:
2/ De facto decentralized oracle solution to provide secure inputs and outputs to smart contracts. Almost all of your favourite crypto coins are going to need this for some reason. Security is only as good as its weakest link - as we’ve seen with the countless oracle attacks
4/ Chainlink hasn’t even launched to version 1.0, if you have any coding experience you realise that although chainlink is working right now it’s at a limited level. Almost like a “beta”. Still to be added:


Threshold signatures

STAKING https://github.com/smartcontractkit/chainlink/actions/runs/415416408
5/ Chainlink tackles a problem that can be monopolised. The reason being network effects. Every player that has stake in the network and needs data benefits from it growing....
6/ ... Customers profit more/pay less for the data

Node operators profit from being trustworthy

A competitive marketplace of decentralized inputs and outputs for data if you will

Everybody wins by using Chainlinks framework for building decentralized oracle networks
7/ Chainlink is designed from the ground up for features to be added. It’s a modular framework in every sense of the word. It can accommodate additions for new blockchains, new use cases, any legacy system and scaling etc..
8/ I believe that the data layer is where the value is. This is due to the need for the value of real world assets to be represented. Chainlink IS the data layer. I believe it will be the biggest cryptocurrency by marketcap, overtaking both $BTC and $ETH (bullish on both)....
9/ ... No you cannot use a base layer network/coin for this value like “why can’t I pay in eth” even the @WEF recognises this in their new article co written with @SergeyNazarov & @chainlink

10/ We’re still yet too know what @chainlink are up too with SWIFT, Microsoft and probably every major banking institution on the planet. Yes I can assure you these crumbs are real, at this point it’s a fucking warm loaf of bread with butter melting on it staring you in the face.
12/ Just adding a little more. If you’re bullish on $ETH (or any other SC platform) you have to be bullish on $LINK. I’m sorry but your platform can’t accomplish changing the world without it.
13/ Do you know why $ETH is likely to stay the dominant platform for SC? It’s because Devs are flooding to it. Go where the builders are.

Everyone will flood to $LINK for the same reason and another: Cost, the most important reason. It will be the cheapest and most secure option
You can follow @____Vinci.
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