THREAD of pictures to use against Antis when you're too tired/lazy to debate and talk some sense into them : (you're welcome to add pictures too, please 💞)
Reality is fiction!
Shipping is illegal!
Call the police~
Gringos, silence.
The minor card doesn't excuse your behavior 💞
Oh you're scared of lolisho?
BNHA antis
And I'll do it again!
For the special clowns.
Fuq your moral superiority 🤤
For that one argument antis always use.
Hanako antis? This your anime?
They are pixels and lines, cartooooons, not real, don't exist, fictional, need more synonyms? 😩
We know the laws, do you?
Learn how to use block and mute.
Remember who's the majority on here 👀
And if you can't police what you view and can't differentiate reality and fiction yet, you're welcome to wait until you're 17+ and come back! 🤷🏽‍♀️
Learn to respect others.
Stop h4rassing people.
Be better.
Some based tweets
Words that lost their meaning/impact due to antis.
For the kpop antis who love spamming their fc thinking that will stop ped0philia and world hunger and child abüse somehow.
For the people who think mlm ships and reading BL/being a fujo:fudan is a bad thing for some reason(even tho many mlm and Japanese mlm esp disagree)
Antis showing that they geniuenly don't care about csa victims and aren't mentally mature enough to be on this app yet, part 1?
Soul eater antis 😳
Simple n direct 💞
JujustuKaisen antis? Take an L 🙏🏽 you're just mad the studio is feeding us directly.
Ao no exorcist antis...official art is against you 😳
Pfp from these animes:
You're welcomed to süe the mangakas and animation studios for "normalizing secualizing minors" first, then maybe you can come complain to artists on twt ❤️
( sebaciel stay winning 🙏🏽)
Why do you like it? Because we simply can. We simply will. Because flavor and spice and sauce.
Plugging this amazing tweet I found :
And if it gets too much, remember
/ YOU / matters more than anything else. Take a break, log out, take a walk, treat yourself and love yourself.
Remember there's always someone who loves you and supports you!!!
And if you need anyone to talk to, I'm here and so are others ❤️
CHECK THIS OUT TOO! thank you for the amazing work 💞😳
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