I was at an eye hospital for my Grandma's surgery today and the things I saw there brought back many things I have always noticed about Nepali Medical sector, hospitals, doctors and other medical professionals. Having been in this sector as a part of it and having....(1/n)
... seen it from the outside too as a citizen, I want to say that Nepali doctors & institutes can do and have to do a lot better than what we are doing currently. Their are a lot of slack offs, lot of weaknesses from our, the med professionals side that lead to a lot of....(2/n)
....avoidable situations which sometimes lead to grave consequences. The patient is a common person. They don't know medical terms or procedures. They don't even know what forms they should fill, where they should pay, which room they should go, on top of that....(3/n)
....they are in the hospital because they need medical assistance. They are confused, scared, anxious. I have noticed in a lot of hospitals, the response towards emergency cases is slow and confusing. I have seen the patients being put on the decision chair and......(4/n)
....asked to make decisions! We as professionals can do a lot better than that. I have seen a lot of doctors completely reject the fact that doctors can make mistakes, not directly but indirectly. I disagree. As a part of this system myself, I think we have a lot to...(5/n)
...learn and develop. Nepali doctors need to look up and strive for professional improvement rather than having a holier than thou attitude that I see on Twitter a lot. The violence, the beating, the vandalising of hospitals is stupid and often pre planned and for money....(6/n)
....I have heard there are pro groups that are made to churn out money from hospital administration in cases of death of patients. The hospital administration also fail to protect young interns and doctors working there let them be the escape goat. This is totally worng....(7/n)
On the other hand, there are also a lot deaths and mishaps that can be avoided if Nepali hospitals as institutes and doctors as professionals strive to be better, shorten the response time, cut the confusion, better their communication skill, become better technically...(8/n)
....J will disagree with anyone who says we are doing our best. We are not. We just think we are. We need to improve a lot. As professionals we cannot lay the entire blame on institutions and bureaucracy themselves. There is no shame in accepting short comings.
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