Everskies Q&A - racism, transphobia, shutdown, etc.
Which mod was racist?
- In reality, no mod was racist. A mod named Potionsky saw that a thread in which there was racism and fights had been receiving reports. She went and punished multiple people for inappropiate language. One of these was a PoC, who had used a slur
that they morally have the right to reclaim. However, no slurs are allowed on the site. This person was muted for 7 days due to having eight prior warnings. They had broken multiple rules, many times. According to mods, any racists in the thread were punished.
As far as we know, the racists were warned. I cannot say why they were warned instead of banned. It is possible they were ignorant or subtly racist, to the point where a warning should be enough to get them to change. So, anyone that broke rules was punished.
The possibility that the racists were not punished as hard as they should've is possible, and staff will look into it. If anyone has screenshots or remarks about it, you can send them to a mod. That might help. And be sure to ALWAYS report racism.
I have just now been confirmed that multiple mods were issuing punishments related to the racist thread that was made. Once more, perhaps they weren't punished as hard as they should've, but they were still punished - by Potion & other mods.
- from Potion.
- from Gooby.
Which mods were transphobic?
- Again, in reality, noone was. Three staff members, that had been on the site from the beginning, and had a tremendous impact on the site, had a few months ago made jokes about xenogenders. To my knowledge, they had found a list
of xenogenders they might have seen as jokes. Xenogenders they had never heard of, nor had encountered or heard of anyone identifying as these genders. They made jokes such as saying "Iamaboatgender". One of the three staffers has autism, and two of them have ADHD.
Why did Everskies shut down?
- It didn't. Forums and the Discord server are currently closed. There were multiple fights on the Discord occuring every day, and it was becoming too much for the volunteers, especially when they did not have enough staff.
Furthermore, multiple mods received harassment and insults simply for doing their job. In the end, it was wayyyy too much for a small team of volunteers. The Discord was too toxic, and the forums were too spammy.
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