Message to all my Indo-Iranian brothers, sisters, friends and followers:
I urge you to always differentiate between Arabic people and some of their Imperialist imposed rulers. Be very careful not to say “Arabs” are this or that; directly name & shame only their sellout elite. 1/
If you don’t do so, you are only feeding into sectarianism and thereby strengthening those elite and pushing the masses into their laps.

May I remind you that neither being Shia or Indo-Iranian also guarantees that someone is pro-resistance and justice. 2/
May I remind you that Shia elite of Azerbaijan are the best friends of Apartheid Israel. May I remind you that before the glorious Islamic Revolution of 79, Iran was ruled by the local henchman of Imperialism, and the best friend of the Zionist. 3/
May I remind you that Iran was a tool of Imperialism for almost 100 years before, and the Empire then had no problems with it or Shia at all. The proud Arab people will shake off the filth that rules them very soon; 4/
do not be a reason for creating animosity between our brotherly peoples, or a delay in this divine eventuality.

Freedom for Palestine, Freedom for the Arab People, Freedom for the Indo-Iranian People. May we all be united in freedom very soon. 5/5
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