What would have been exposed if @GenFlynn hadn't been impeded by corrupt FBI, DOJ and the Obama White house?

He'd have exposed CHINA and their laundering of IRANIAN OIL MONEY!

Read the thread below for the back story on how they went after Flynn. https://twitter.com/40_head/status/1334131033944440833
3. Zarrab was only one player. There are many others! Here's the US indictment against Zarrab.

Banks in a dozen countries including the US, Canada, China, UAE, Iran and others were all aiding in the illegal violation of US sanctions against Iran!

4. Remember, these issues stemmed to the attempted coup in Turkey where over 200 were killed! It would appear as though someone felt president Erdogan was going to threaten this scheme that was moving BILLIONS of dollars through the Deep State! But, there's more! Wait for it!
5. "US banks then unwittingly processed several of these dollar transactions...from December 2012 to October 2013 alone, more than $900 million of Iranian oil and gas money transited through U.S. financial institutions to make payments on behalf of Iran."

6. What the hell? In less than a year nearly $1 BILLION passed through US banks for Iran??? Oh, but there's even MORE!

"In July 2015, the US, Iran, China, Russia, the UK, and the European Union announced the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, popularly known as the Iran deal...
8. So, while China and Iran were at the negotiating table, China was continuing to funnel money into and out of Iran through back channels and underground networks. That's when I saw this and it all started to make sense.

Holy freaking crap!

9. Also from the above article:

"Created by company services provider Richful Deyong International Business (China) Limited, HMEA had a prestigious address in Lippo Centre, an iconic skyscraper in Hong Kong’s central business district."

The LIPPO, James Riady's family empire!
10. Who is James Riady and the LIPPO group? Ohhh...just the exact same people that ILLEGALY donated to William Jefferson Clinton and other democrat campaigns back in thr 90's. The enormous campaign violations cost Riady $8 million in fines and a ban from the U.S. What a story!
11. Folks, I've written a LOT on Riady and his multi billion dollar empire. They are so intertwined with the Clintons and the deep state it's terrifying. While some of the links in this thread have been killed by twatter, this is still a VALUABLE DIG! https://twitter.com/40_head/status/1112332239944052743?s=20
12. The #1 group in China receiving laundered, sanction violating money from Iran's secret oil and gold deals is directly connected to the largest Chinese conglomerate to ever do business with the Clintons. If you read that thread you'll know Riady was banned from the US.
13. You'll also have read, when HRC was Sec of State she circumvented Riady's ban, gave him free pass to enter the US and allowed him to attend extremely high profile business meetings....even meeting with Obama himself.

Here's another thread on him. https://twitter.com/40_head/status/1078917666889297920?s=20
14. This has so many ties. The final in our 4 part "Panama Threads", details how Riady is actually the one that financed Li Ka Shing's purchase of the ports in the Panama Canal, giving China FULL control after Bill Clinton gave the canal away in 1999. https://twitter.com/40_head/status/1115403772551786498?s=20
15. Please understand, seeing these connections is simply MASSIVE! Remember the CenturyLink 911 outage? Well yeah, I wrote about that too. The dig led straight to a company financed and partly brokered by...the LIPPO group! https://twitter.com/40_head/status/1078917666889297920?s=20
16. So, are you seeing what I'm saying here? For a very long time I've been telling everybody I can, the evil is inter woven and the corruption runs so deep in this cabal that you can always find yourself back in the same spot with same criminals, no matter what string you pull.
17. Flynn was about to find Fetullah Gulen helped launder $BILLIONS for the Deep State. The thread linked in post #1 shows Flynn could eventually find US democrats aided Gulen who are now wanted by Turkey for supporting that terrorist! And it all links, to CHINA!

God bless

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