Wondering what language to learn?

Here's a thread of pros and cons for learning some of the most common languages πŸ‘‡
πŸ’™ Javascript

πŸ‘ Lots of jobs in JS
πŸ‘ Huge community
πŸ‘ Versatile - client-side, server-side (node), mobile (React Native), desktop (Electron)

πŸ‘Ž Vanilla JS is unlikely enough to get a job anymore
πŸ‘Ž Arguably not a great language for understanding comp sci foundations
πŸ’™ Python

πŸ‘ Easy to learn
πŸ‘ Extensive set of libraries
πŸ‘ Popular language with big community

πŸ‘Ž Takes longer to develop big applications
πŸ‘Ž Cannot build web apps or mobile apps on its own
πŸ‘Ž Will most likely require experience in another language for a job
πŸ’™ Java

πŸ‘ Popular in big applications from large corporations
πŸ‘ Portable - "Write once, run anywhere"
πŸ‘ Android apps

πŸ‘Ž Not ideal to run on the cloud
πŸ‘Ž Not commonly used in startups
πŸ’™ C#

πŸ‘ Popular in big applications from large corporations
πŸ‘ Fully integrated with .NET framework
πŸ‘ Go-to language for Microsoft/Windows app development

πŸ‘Ž Difficult to learn
πŸ‘Ž Not commonly used in startups
πŸ’™ PHP

πŸ‘ Still popular, especially in legacy codebases
πŸ‘ Commonly used for content-based websites (Facebook, Wordpress, etc)
πŸ‘ Big community

πŸ‘Ž Continuously dropping in popularity
πŸ‘Ž Difficult to become an expert
πŸ’™ Ruby

πŸ‘ Easy to learn
πŸ‘ Can learn Ruby on Rails, which is a great framework
πŸ‘ Extensive set of libraries

πŸ‘Ž Dropping in popularity
πŸ‘Ž Ruby on Rails is slow to start
πŸ’™ Go

πŸ‘ Growing in popularity
πŸ‘ Good for processing large amounts of data
πŸ‘ Easy to read and learn

πŸ‘Ž Only really popular in Silicon Valley
πŸ‘Ž No native support for GUIs
πŸ’™ R

πŸ‘ Used for statistical analysis and machine learning
πŸ‘ Growing in popularity
πŸ‘ Vocational language

πŸ‘Ž Not many jobs in R right now
πŸ‘Ž Not a huge community
πŸ’™ C++

πŸ‘ Great for a first language (as well as C), providing good comp sci knowledge foundations
πŸ‘ Large set of libraries and compilers
πŸ‘ Used in game development

πŸ‘Ž Difficult to learn
πŸ‘Ž Does not support run-time checking
πŸ‘Ž Not as popular as other languages
This is not an exhaustive list! These are only some of the most popular languages according to Stack Overflow. There are many other languages that you might want to learn, like Swift, Perl, or Rust.
Remember the most important thing about learning to code is not about the language you choose. Changing languages is easy.

Just start somewhere - ANYWHERE. You are never stuck in a specific technology.
I hope this list can help people who are finding it difficult to know where to start. Now you have no excuses πŸ˜‰

Good luck!
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