ten hours in to Cyberpunk and it is clear the studio knowingly pushed out a half-baked game that wasnt ready for prime time

a lot of people are upset, and for good reason — after eight years of nonstop hype, it is a letdown
it should have been:

— a next-gen console and high end PC release only, not a release for older systems gasping for air to try and run it

— delayed another 6 months to a year to finish and polish it

Must have had incredible financial pressure to push it out like this
CDProjektRed released a financial disclosure today saying Cyberpunk sales have been strong enough to already recoup the cost of eight years of game development and marketing it, just 24 hours after release
running list of flaws:

— driving physics are all over the place, car travel genuinely unpleasant

— menus are confusing, it took me two days to figure out how to call someone

— police AI system is broken. accidentally clip someone with your car, the whole city comes down on you
— new side missions keep coming at you as pop ups every five minutes. It automatically switches you to the new one so you p much have no clue where to go or what to do

— the amount of useless loot in the game is obscene (and not even in a fun, Skyrim-ish way)
— half the time you get in a car and drive above 20-30 mph, the game crashes

— enemy AI is awful. they stop in the middle of battle and sit behind a dumpster. you can finish looting before going to waste them bc they won’t move

— all the menus/char screen’s UI are inscrutable
Penis 2 hive what up https://twitter.com/austinj/status/1338232612712693761
i want to say some nice things too:

— the original soundtrack rips

— atmospherics and vibes are stellar, great attention to detail (it’s just that beyond scratching the surface level there’s nothing much there)

— the plot is fun! it’s more like an interactive movie
good that they finally acknowledged what was plain to everyone with eyes.

though they shouldnt get too much credit. actively denied our requests for a console version for a month without explanation.

Hoodwinked all the reviewers who did try it. shady! https://twitter.com/CyberpunkGame/status/1338390123373801472
they have elon outright clowning on them now, that must suck
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