So, you saw #DisneyInvestorDay yesterday and are excited. Suggestion: go read the comics that inspired a lot of those news! This thread will help you. All available on Amazon, but help your LCS if you can. First: #Thor by @jasonaaron and #EsadRibic, featuring Gorr @UpToTASK
#Vision by @TomKingTK and #GabrielHernandezWalta seems to be a strong template, visually and thematically, for the series
#SheHulk by @DanSlott #PaulPelletier and #ScottKollins looks dead center for the plot of her show
From @BRIANMBENDIS, there is the double duty of #SecretInvasion with @leinilyu, and #IronHeart with #StefanoCaselli
#Hawkeye, by @mattfraction and #DavidAja is so aligned with the series, they might as well cameo on it!
And don’t forget to go further back to the eighties for #ArmorWars, with masters #DavidMicheline, #BobLayton and #BarryWindsorSmith 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
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