For 4 years, DNC/MSM/NeverTrump told us (with no evidence) that Trump/Russia rigged the 2016 election.

Sitting members of Congress told us they had concrete proof (they didn't) that Trump was an agent of Russia.

So, we had a 35 million/2.5 year investigation into Trump/Russia.
Now, we're at a point where conservatives believe (with multiple kinds of evidence from thousands of real Americans willing to testify in court) that there was targeted fraud in large Democrat cities within key swing States, in order to steal the election from Trump.
From the beginning, all we asked, was that States conduct a thorough forensic audit of the results.

Instead, they chose to ram disputed results down our throats, all while we had active court cases/hearings about the shenanigans and statistical impossibilities that occurred.
They did all of this, while the MSM refused to cover hearings, refused to be objective about anything they didn't want to hear, and told us that there's no such thing as large scale voter fraud.

They said we have no evidence, and that our concerns are a threat to democracy.
So, for 2.5 years, the DNC/MSM/NeverTrump crowd hijacked this country with their bad-faith political accusations for what was later proven by the Mueller Report to be nothing but a big conspiracy theory.

But, now that we have real concerns, we are told to accept it and "unify".
The answer is "NO".

That's what this Texas lawsuit is about.

You don't get to beat our heads in for 4 years, crying out "RESIST" while calling us racists/Nazis all because you lost an election, but then tell us to shut up and accept it once you think you've "won" an election.
Only God knows how this will turn out, we can only hope and pray that the Supreme Court will hear the case, and then do the right thing by illuminating the path to victory for the true winner, which we believe to be Trump.
Only time will tell, but conservatives have a right to be heard too.

Continue to pray for voter fraud to be exposed, and statistical impossibilities to be revealed, pray for Trump's legal team, and that we win, but remember to pray that ultimately God's will be done.
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