I'm gonna counter this with a thread on Muslim Communists so here goes nothing https://twitter.com/misratiii/status/1336722364365729792
Haji Misbach (1876-1926), an Indonesian Communist figure who preached that Islam and Communism were compatible. Was a member of the Sarekat Islam (Islamic League) but then when the party split, followed the soon to be PKI (indonesian Communist Party).
While the party was considered secular, many members of the PKI were Muslims and some were even Hindu. Many of the Muslim members followed a Revolutionary interpretation of the religion called "Red Islam".
Tan Malaka
Another Indonesian Communist. Considered the "Father of Indonesia" by many, was a Trotskyist who was also a member of the Sarekat Islam. He believed that Islam was a way to unify the working classes of the world to unite against European Imperialism.
Hasrat Mohani, one of founders of the Communist party of India. Coined the Revolutionary slogan "Inquilab Zindabad" (Long Live the Revolution) and led the fight against British Imperialism in India. He also stayed in India to represent the Muslims after it was partitioned.
Muhammad Iqbal
One of the greatest Muslim philosophers and poets wrote many poems praising Lenin and the Bolsheviks while also criticizing Lenin for his anti-theist views.
Ali Shariati, the ideologue of the Iranian Revolution was a Shi'ite scholar and he wrote many works on Islam and Socialism, such as "Red Shi'ism vs Black Shi'ism" and also translated many of Fanon's works into Farsi.
Malcolm X while not explicitly calling himself a Communist was nonetheless inspired by them. Malcolm X saw Islam and the Revolutionary nature of the Cuban and Chinese Revolution as something which can actually give Black people liberation.
Mumia Abu-Jamal, while not talking so much about his faith, is a Muslim revert and was involved with the Black Panthers and even MOVE before his death sentence. His death sentence was overruled in 2001 and there is still much work to be done on getting him released.
That's all i have right now because I'm tired of talking about this lmao. If you want to read works on Islam, Socialism or both just click the link in my bio, i appreciate it.
Feel free to add any details if you want and any more Muslim Communists would be great alhamdulillah.
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