1/ A thread for all parents and caregivers about the dangers of mass testing and the continued neglect of young people in this crisis.
3/ The main reason for https://reachwell.org/  (and an Open Letter I organised to Gavin Williamson in the summer to urge him to open schools) is to urge the government to take children into account when making decisions.
7/ For more information on the serious pitfalls of testing see Dr Clare Craig’s work who is a pathologist (the people that do the testing) https://twitter.com/ClareCraigPath 
8/ Recent findings from university mass testing showed no covid-19 to be found anywhere – the small number of positive tests detected were found to be false positives when double checked. (Saying the test was positive, when, in fact it was not.)
9/ The testing, which is inaccurate and misleading, is keeping society in damaging lockdowns and tiers which are not evidence-based and cause enormous damage to other health conditions (e.g. cancer), mental health and the economy.
13/ Our children will bear the brunt of the economic fall out for years to come. All for a virus with a 99.97% recovery rate and average age of death of 82 years.
14/ You won’t hear these statistics much in the main stream media because Ofcom have been censoring debate on covid-19 policies.
15/ I am aware of course that people have lost loved ones to covid-19 and this is, of course, very sad but to focus on one health issue at the expense of all others is folly and will have enormous repercussions for our children.
16/ A new website https://pcrclaims.co.uk/  is now bringing LEGAL JUSTICE to UK citizens for the devastating harm caused by lockdowns to families and businesses.
17/ This is long but the stakes for our children are very high. I am more than happy to discuss any of these issues. Please pass this message on to any parent/caregiver you feel needs to hear this. End.
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