Arogya Bharati is the राष्ट्रीय स्वयंसेवक संघ's (RSS) "Health Wing", and one of its progeny is Garbhvigyan Anusandhan Kendra whose mission is to produce Hindutva superbabies...
If you think I am being facetious, here is a brochure of theirs. Of course we yearn to produce Superbabies, and yes, this doctor, presumably of Ayurvedic "Medicine", will provide the assembly line for it...
Through "genetic engineering" & "conception science" involving diet, coloured clothing, ornaments, flowers, perfumes, "bathing materials", shlokas, songs, "golden milk", gau pooja, diya lighting, creativity, etc - you can apparently manufacture a superbaby...
The superbaby sounds like an alloy. That article explains - garbhvigyan anusandhan "experts" catalyze a reaction between 6 elements & foetus to produce "Uttam Santati". Prospective parents hang around stroking cows, thinking thoughts & having sex for procreation, not pleasure...
It is all "scientific": a yajna supervised by a cow, 72 days of sexual abstinence, planetary alignments for sex, dissuading children from discos and drugs by applying cow urine (this is genius: who will share smokes or jive with someone reeking of gaumutra?)...
Their training spans Ancient Embryology, Medical Astrology, Genetic Engg, Impregnation Methods. These are the "Faculties" (stock mugs might be a laboured metaphor for assembly line-produced offspring or grins & Caucasian features are popular items on the Superbaby menu)...
The brochures and "faculties" are from their website. I created the charts based on the article & their own content, with a special design and colour palette in the hope that they will be used in their future promotional material. 
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