If I accomplish one thing in 2020 it will be to convince every infosec traveler without a pet because of travel to get an adorable and cuddly hamster. Welcome to hamster facts!
1) There are multiple types of hamsters. While dwarf hamsters can be more social, Syrian hamsters like Cassie are introverts prefer to only be friends with you, when they feel like it.
2) hamsters are very tidy desert animals, unlike rats and mice. In fast, most hamsters can be litter box trained in a day or two by simply putting a hamster sandbox in the corner they choose as a bathroom. They will also take adorable sand baths when the sand is clean.
3) Hamsters are crepuscular, not nocturnal. That means they will be up to hang out with you in the late evening.
4) hamsters often love food like you and me! In fact they are omnivores like (biologically) humans. They enjoy many hamster safe treats as a supplement to a healthy and nutritional hamster food diet.
5) hamsters need space. The habitats shilled by pet stores are far too small, and can cause stress chewing and monkey barring, which are signs of unhappy hammy. A decent habitat for a Syrian is a shy of 40 gallons.
6) hamsters have personalities, but most can be hand-trained with patience, calm, and treats. Since they are prey animals, grabbing them is a no no. However, they will quickly get used to gentle, open palms they get used to smelling.
7) the old fashioned metal bar wheels we used to give hammies actually cause damage to their teeny feet. Plastic wheels are safer. Preferably big enough that hammy doesn’t bend her spine excessively while running.
8) new hamster parents often worry that hammy isn’t drinking water. Hammy is a desert animal and probably is drinking small amounts, but you can make sure by putting a little peanut butter on her water bottle nozzle so she finds it for sure.
9) hamsters have been pets in the western world since around wwii. They were used for medical research during the war. Do not use your hamster for any research except for their treats and chews toys.
10) hamsters are illegal in Hawaii, but if you live there you don’t get to complain
Bonus) same with New Zealand but you have fur seals, stop complaining. California, I just feel sorry for you.
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