As a religious cult survivor, I know that most Christians think having a “god fearing” Chief Justice is good and how things should be. What looks like a man devoted to his faith can quickly turn into a world me and my uterus (and whole entire body) don’t want to live in.
But, continue thanking God for “unapologetic and influential leaders” who are simply overzealous bigots and don’t think twice about going into Aunt Lydia-esque prayers at state events.
I have worked hard to slowly rebuild and live outside the church, but moments like this remind me of what is at stake. I don't think this is freedom of faith, it's fanaticism disguised as conviction and we should all be alarmed that our CJ is okay with this.
I will also no longer carry the shame of having been in what I now see as a cult, which I left in 2016 after battling with my conscious for most of 2015. I do, however, value my spirituality that's deeply rooted in Christianity but has expanded beyond that.
I know many of the people I went to church with still follow me and many have remained cordial with me. I am still friends with others but I am working through the fear & shame of my time there. I was wrong. I didn't know better & once I did, I left.
*prepares to be a prayer item at home cells and church services*
FYI to those saying that me being in a cult is my own doing. The cult I was a member of is a standard evangelical church like most in South Africa. There was no petrol drinking, potion selling nor theatrical prophesies but it was a cult. And many of those who left also say this.
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