Time to fact-check @jack_turban 's latest article. Spoiler alert—it’s full of misrepresentations and errors. Jack’s mistakes could be forgiven as he is in medical training (a first year-fellow) with much to learn, except that he positions himself as an expert. /1 https://twitter.com/jack_turban/status/1335799429522067456
Contrary to Jack's claim, the rapid rise in numbers of girls wishing to change sex is not a “bizarre premise.” Every gender clinic in the world has documented this phenomenon. Kaltiala-Heino (Finland) describes it in her 2018 peer-reviewed publication /2
The UK clinicians are also seeing rapidly increasing numbers of cases of adolescent females with recent-onset gender dysphoria and complex mental health histories. They are concerned by this poorly understood change and the treatment implications. /3
This phenomenon has a provisional name of #ROGD coined by @LisaLittman. Jack purposefully avoids naming it, yet the clinicians who are in the room with these teens agree this is a real, and growing phenomenon. /4
Yet another group of experienced UK gender clinicians agrees: “This rapid onset of gender dysphoria in assigned females post puberty is indeed a worrying phenomenon we are observing more and more” /5
In fact, over a dozen publications in the last few years have documented #ROGD-type onset. As @zuckerkj , the world’s leading authority in gender dysphoria has written, it is not clear why, in the face of such evidence, some deny the reality of #ROGD./6
Having shown that contrary to @jack_turban assertion, @AbigailShrier book’s premise IS based on a well-documented and easily-demonstrable phenomenon (see a telling graph from @TheEconomist article), let's move on to the rest of his claims. /7
Jack claims that “affirming” interventions for gender-dysphoria are not controversial outside of “a few fringe groups.” The “fringe” Jack is referring to must be the UK, Sweden, and Finland, who are backing away from "affirmative" hormones & surgeries. /8 https://www.economist.com/international/2020/12/12/an-english-ruling-on-transgender-teens-could-have-global-repercussions
Finland, the home of one of the most prominent gender researchers in the world, Kaltiala-Heino, evaluated the evidence for hormones and surgeries in 2020 and found it lacking. Finland no longer follows the “affirmation” model for young people. /9
Sweden concluded the evidence for "affirmation" is lacking. The NHS review is underway. The UK High Court just ruled that patients under 16 can’t consent to the experimental "affirmative" protocol, suggesting that even 16-17 year-olds are vulnerable./10
Even the lead investigator of the Dutch protocol recently wrote a commentary in Pediatrics where she warned that the hormonal and surgical treatment protocol is being widely misapplied, as it was never designed for kids with #ROGD-type presentation./11
Moving on to the next fact. Jack claims the 70% desistance rate is false. However, 11 studies have demonstrated that anywhere between 61-98% of kids whose distress appeared for the first time in childhood will outgrow it before adulthood. /12
Jack’s argument that the desisted kids were not “truly trans” has been effectively discredited by reanalyzing the data for those who met the strictest diagnostic criteria for “gender identity disorder.” 67% (roughly 70%) of them desisted./13
Further, Jack disputes the well-established claim that most of the kids who desist grow up to be lesbian and gay. Yet the studies clearly demonstrate it, as in one by @JamesCantorPhD. Gender dysphoria is a common developmental path for LGB people. /14
Jack disputes the fact that adolescents on puberty blockers are on a virtually irreversible path to complete medical transition. Yet all 3 studies that have been published on this showed nearly 100% of teens on PB's process to cross-sex hormones. The UK court agreed. /15
Jack accuses @AbigailShrier of ignoring the evidence of improved mental health outcomes. Yet no quality long-term studies are able to show these improvements. A key study that claimed such improvements was recently corrected to conclude "no effect." /16
Jack is right about one thing. Medical societies in the US are indeed on the “affirmation” bandwagon. The US profit-driven healthcare system is easily swayed by market forces such as generous payouts and patient demand. But even in the US the tide on “affirmation” is turning. /17
While Jack accuses @AbigailShrier of a political slant, he published his attack on a journalist under the “political minds” rubric. Jack’s entitled to a political view. But as a young researcher, Jack would be well-advised to steer clear of mixing politics with research. /18
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