Instead of strikes and black badge protests, the IMA should focus of filing writ petitions in Court and asking relevant questions to the govt through appropriate channels. #MIXOPATHY
We doctors of modern medicine are not against any other system, but against the wrong practices of mixing systems and unethical practices. We do not want any doctor of any system practicing other systems of medicine without having the degree/knowledge/skill/training required.
If the govt wants to promote traditional systems of medicine, should do it more systematically. Promote scientific research and solid fundamentals to be established and protocols followed uniformly. It shouldn't become an alternate "easy side entry" into modern medicine.
Finally the choice should be with the patient to choose his choice of system but without getting misguided by "no side effect" "100% guarantee of cure" and such wrong unethical practices.
Finally it's not because the system is new or thousand year old that it should be deemed good or bad but based on science and evidence.
And in most hospitals this is what IMA called strike means! Does anyone really care if a doctor wears this? #blackbadge #IMA
The most unfortunate thing is that most of the influential medical leaders in India have their own personal agenda to peddle. They will never speak where and when and what really matters.
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