This will be a thread on Rocky Myers, his innocence, and the best way to can help him
Robin (nickname Rocky) Myers is a 53 year old intellectually disabled black man currently on death row in Holman Correctional Facility in Escambia, Alabama.
On the night of October 4th, 1991 Maime Dutton was asleep at her cousin, Ludie Mae Tucker’s home. Ludie’s neighborhood had a long history of drugs and crime and was deemed a “crack-town” by most.-
Around midnight the doorbell rung and Maime peered out of her room to see Ludie talking through the blinds to a man on the porch. He claimed to have been in a car crash and bleeding to death. Maime noted that he seemed very angry.
The man asked if he could come in and use their phone to call his family. Ludie agreed to dial the number for him let him into her home. Maime also noted that “he was jabbering and his voice was quivering” and that Ludie said that her husband was in the other room.
Ludie did not have a husband. Suddenly, Maime heard Ludie scream and she froze and stayed in the bedroom but she knew he did something to Ludie. The man ran into Maine’s room and stabbed her in the side before running out of the house.
Maime went out of the room after the man left and saw Ludie on the couch holding the phone in her hand. She had been stabbed four times but managed to dial 911 and get on the phone with police. Minutes after the call was made officers were at the house.
An ambulance was called but it was unfortunately too late, Ludie had been stabbed in the heart and was pronounced dead shortly after arrival.
When talking to police on the day of Ludie’s murder Maime said that although she hadn’t gotten a good look at the man he had on a light shirt. Remember this, it’ll be important later
Over two years later Robin was convicted of Ludie’s murder. Rocky had lived across the street from Ludie with his wife and four children.
During his trial the majority white jury chose to give him a life sentence without parole. The judge overruled that sentence in a now illegal procedure and gave him the death penalty in a now illegal procedural option.
Rockys attorney at the time was so incredibly terrible that he lost the chance of a post-conviction appeal. This meant that he could no longer present evidence in a federal court, including a testimony proving police interfered with a key witness in the case.
His attorney started working for a new law firm and completely scrapped his case. His attorney missed every deadline to get him free and the only reason Rocky found out about this was because he received a letter (that had to be read to him by another prisoner) that they were-
Trying to get him an execution date. Myers new lawyer asked the court not to hold his attorneys actions against him but it was too late. The court said that Robin failed to use “diligence” by not keeping up with court dates and not calling his lawyer.
Keep in mind he is intellectually disabled and does not know how to read a clock and one symptom of his disability is having trouble keeping track of time and deadlines.
Robin had no record of violent crime before being accused of Ludie’s murder. People who’d seen Rocky that day said he was wearing a black or dark brown shirt (remember what I said earlier about Maime saying the murderer had a light shirt)-
Robin’s family members also noted that he’s never been a violent person.
So, how can you help Rocky? Well we only have one true option.
Since Rocky can no longer provide anymore post-conviction evidence because of his previous attorney’s mishandling the only way he will be able to avoid the death penalty is through clemency.
The only person who can give him that is Alabama’s governor Kay Ivey. The best way I’ve found so far to make her give him clemency is to pressure her. We do that by blowing up her email, calling her office, and protesting.
The state capitols address:
I made this entire thread at 1 am so I’m sorry if I made any mistakes.
Also if you see this please retweet or at the very least show people how to help. None of this will work if we don’t have a ton of people on board, don’t talk about activism be about it. I’m not letting another man die.
Remember to consistently do theses things. Give that lady and other politicians in Alabama HELL until they let him live
This is my first time looking back on this thread after making it. I’d like to thank y’all for helping this get traction.
I was incredibly frazzled and emotional when making this post so I’d like to say this, what’s happening to Rocky is so incredibly indicative of one thing black people have been saying for years. The justice system’s long history of racism, ableism, homophobia, etc.-
Is NOT a new phenomenon. Rocky Myers is not the first and will not be the last person to have this happen to them. This is a cycle that will continue to happen if we, the people do not challenge systems that have systemically oppressed minorities since their creation.
Don’t forget about Robin. I know how easy it is. DONT FORGET ABOUT HIM. Set reminders on your phone about him, write his name on a sticky note, tattoo his name on your arm. Do whatever it takes to not fail this poor man.
And to any black or disabled people reading this. I’m so sorry. I know it’s hard. I know how heartbreaking it is to see this go on. Your life matters so much and I’m sorry the people who’re supposed to protect you are doing the opposite. Take the time to heal from all of the-
Trauma seeing these things undoubtly causes you. I love you so much. It’s ok if you don’t want to get involved because you’re not responsible for your hurt.
Another thing, I’m so sorry for leaving this out but Rocky was also called a thug and racial slurs during his entire trial. His lawyer says the cards were stacked against him from the beginning.
Another good to bring up in your email is the fact that it is against the 8th amendment to execute a disabled person. And in 2002 it was made illegal to do so. I’m not sure if Rocky is diagnosed so another thing that you could talk about it getting him psychologically assessed-
For a disability. This is also an option for saving him
If you live outside the US and cannot access the form here is she email: [email protected]
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