Good evening, it is cold but clear and I am finally out of quarantine and at the Red House

Well, I'm at one of the barricades, anyway, which live up to their reputation

A small fire burns in the tent just inside. Guards warm their hands and chat
I'm having trouble finding my way through the barricades, which seems like an extremely good sign for the barricades

I can hear a speaker telling white people they have no culture. Encouraging them to reconnect with their roots rather than step on the cultures of others
A kind person shows me the way through. "I haven't slept for 35 hours. Probably won't sleep for another 24. It's hard to sleep around here. Lots of stuff going on"
The speaker, who is in bloc, bows to fight for life. Experiencing and embracing one's emotions. Caring for the land. Bringing offerings. Marching for justice. Keeping the movement alive

They talk about how this is life--all these resources and the community and stories
"Life is land back, and land back is life!"

"This is done! We can do it!"

The speaker cites the Zapatistas as an example

The energy here is really incredible. There's a sense of optimism I haven't felt since July
"And white people, if you're watching this and don't like it, go back to Europe!"

"Fix yourselves and stop fucking us up!"
Casual organization of resources. A cement median holds stacks of shields, cartons of eggs, bottles. Tents fill the lot next to Red House. Tended campfires twinkle here and there

The speaker urges people to go support the indigenous Peruvian food cart at one end of the zone
Breaking: there is a very small, very cute dog here
A speaker gets up and asks the crowd if they'd like a stage for music. "Then come on up here and let's build it!"

Very cool
There is this persistent mainstream idea that zones like this are full of chaos and tension

I wish they could experience the deep peace of this place

Everyone knows violence is possible. But it isn't here now, and there is food and companionship and warmth. People are happy
How did I break the thread this early, I blame Antifa:
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