Reminder legality ≠ morality.
It is legal (in the US) to use our concentration camps on the border. [Morally wrong]
It is legal to give the death penalty (of people who may be proven innocent after death) [morally wrong]
It is legal to charge usury (20+% interest) [morally wrong
Slavery was legal for hundreds of years [morally wrong]
Spousal rape was legal (at least not persecuted) [morally wrong]
The genocide of the Jews was legal [morally wrong]
Denying people jobs based on race was legal [morally wrong]
Unsafe job conditions were legal [morally wrong]
It is legal for a business to fire you without two weeks notice but if you want to leave they need two weeks notice [morally wrong]
It is legal to use force to make people go to school (truancy) [morally wrong [targets poor]]
It is legal to raise drug prices 1000% [morally wrong]
So please for the love of any semblance of brain cells do not use legality as your way of telling if something is morally good or bad
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