this fight is not over. a thread of petitions and helpful links
pervis payne has spent 30+ years maintaining his innocence on death row. despite his intellectual disability making it unconstitutional for him to be executed, he is still on death row set for execution in 2021. fight for his justice.
despite recieving a partial pardon, matthew rushin still remains behind bars. his mother once wrote “he does not deserve this! the system we trusted failed him. being black is not a crime! being autistic is not a crime!” help bring matthew home.
rocky myers was sentenced to death AGAINST THE WISH OF THE JURORS. there was no evidence to tie him to the crime, no competent lawyer to help plead his case. his only hope is the GA governor granting him clemency. his petition is so, so close to the goal.
as a teenager, julius jones was sentenced to death for a crime he didn't commit. after 20 years on death row and over 167,900 hours in solitary confinement, he has a chance to be brought home and given justice. please help us demand justice for him. 
breonna taylor and her family are still without justice. after a lack of indictment against the officers involved in her death, we NEED to pass breonna's law to ensure this never happens again. please take action. 
jennifer jeffley was in the eighth grade when she was tried as an adult for a murder she did not commit, the sole piece of evidence against her being a coerced confession after eight hours in custody without a guardian or lawyer. demand justice for her. 
evidence proving keith lamar's innocence was withheld during his trial. now, he is set to die in late 2023 for a crime other people have confessed to comitting. please, help us free this innocent man. 
the equal justice initiative works towards things like criminal justice reform, public education reform, and challenging the death penalty. if you can, consider donating to this organization. 
this carrd not only has an entire section dedicated to a bunch of blm links, but there are links to help other movements and issues from this year. 
signing petitions are one good way to help, but here’s a list of other ways to support the black community.
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