I rarely share my opinions like this publicly, but it’s time to #AbolishTheDeathPenalty

2 years ago, I was indifferent. I genuinely believed the death penalty was a deterrent for crime. More than that, I thought it was just.

I was wrong.
Over that time, I’ve done tens of hours of researched, prayed, and sought wisdom on the topic of the death penalty

I’ve listened to leaders on the topic like @LauraNirider and @SDrizin and read articles from places like @innocence

Here’s what I’ve learned and what I believe:
1. Since 1973 over 11% of death row inmates have been released. That’s 170 people who were sentenced to death and then proven innocent.

What if these people were never proven innocent? Are we okay with executing innocent people? We can’t be.
2. The death penalty is not a deterrent for crime. There’s no evidence to support otherwise.

Why are we carrying out a punishment that is not helping deter from future crimes?
3. The death penalty unfairly impacts those with lower socioeconomic status who cannot afford proper representation at the time of their trial or during appeals.

Your chances of dying after committing a crime are higher if you’re poor.
4. The death penalty costs more in tax dollars than life in prison without parole.

If the cost is greater, what’s the point? Let violent criminals live their life confined to a prison cell.
5. As a pro-life Christian, it would be hypocritical for me to advocate for the lives of the unborn, but cheer when “justice” is served through capital punishment.

I think it’s unfortunate, that American Christians have gotten that twisted.
6. The story of Christ is a story of redemption and justice.

Romans 8:28 tells us nothing can separate us from God’s love, and I truly believe He can redeem, restore, and save anyone.
So if you’ve read this far, thank you.

Reach out to your state representatives and tell them it’s time to #AbolishTheDeathPenalty
You can follow @Kyler_Nixon.
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