1/ @sccm released a new table for the recent guidelines for the mgmt of acute (ALF) and acute-on-chronic liver failure (ACLF) in the ICU:

Summary table: https://bit.ly/374BEz0 
Guidelines: https://bit.ly/343A1Q1 

A summary of the summary below, the few strong recs are starred.
2/ Cardiac:
🌟Use norepinephrine as first-line vasopressor, add vasopressin and stress-dose steroids for refractory shock
📍Target a MAP of 65 mm Hg
📍Use albumin for resuscitation, esp. when serum albumin <3 mg/dL
📍Use invasive hemodynamic monitoring to guide therapy
3/ Hematologic:
🌟Use viscoelastic testing (TEG/ROTEM) over INR/platelet/fibrinogen in those undergoing procedures
📍Use transfusion threshold of 7 mg/dL
📍Use LMWH over SCDs for VTE prophylaxis in ACLF
📍Use LMWH or VKA over conservative mgmt for portal vein thrombosis or PE
4/ Pulmonary:
📍Use low tidal volume strategy over high tidal volume strategy
📍Recommend against high PEEP (over low PEEP) in ARDS
📍Use high-flow oxygen over NIV for hypoxemia
📍Treat portopulmonary hypertension if mPAP>35 mm Hg
5/ Pulmonary (continued):
📍Use oxygen for hepatopulmonary syndrome
📍Use chest tubes with attempt at pleurodesis for hepatic hydrothorax if TIPS not an option or for palliation
6/ Renal:
🌟Use vasopressors in patients with ACLF who develop HRS
📍Use early RRT in patients with ALF and AKI

🌟Target serum blood glucose 110-180 mg/dL
7/ GI
📍Use enteral nutrition rather than parenteral
📍Screen for drug-induced causes of liver failure, stop offending drugs
📍Adjust medications that undergo hepatic metabolism with the help of a clinical pharmacist
8/ Things to avoid:
🌟Hydroxyethyl starch or gelatin solutions for fluid resuscitation
🌟Eltrombopag for patients with ACLF and thrombocytopenia prior to procedures
📍A low protein goal
9/ And finally, insufficient evidence for:
📍Intraoperative RRT for patients who were receiving preoperative RRT
📍TIPS for refractory ascites in cirrhosis as a way to prevent HRS
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