One time I worked for a nonprofit and it took me 4 years to get a $250,000 gift from the FOUNDER. People can complain about the UTSA money situation but have y'all ever looked at individual fundraising for your favorite nonprofit? No?
That's because they can supplement individual donations with grants and government support. Athletic departments have to rely on ticket sales, individual donors, the governing system and student fees. All of that is down because idk maybe a global pandemic happened.
"They're not good at their job!" Buddy, let me tell you, The majority of the over 1 billion in charitable gifts in this city go to churches. Roughly 77-81% that leaves 19-23% of money for the 3,500 nonprofits in the city to fight for.
That being said, do not ever be shamed by the size of your gift. I work just as hard for the $5 gift as a did for that $250,000 gift. Because that person who gave $5 could really need it but still thought it was necessary to support our mission.
Don't even get me started on donor restricted funds...
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