The thing about the death penalty is, we will win.

Every argument, every stat, every ounce of data is on our side.

It’s not a question of if but when this caveman policy will vanish. Already half the country has abandoned it.

We will remember what side of history you stood on.
To be for the death penalty is to be for a system that exonerates 1 for every 9 executions

It’s to be for wasting an extra $1M per case while not deterring crime.

That’s an opportunity cost. That’s $ not spent on actually stopping violence or solving it.

You’re not pro life.
People are sentenced to die based on 3 leading factors:

1. Location of the crime (2% of counties bring the majority of cases)

2. Socioeconomic status of the defender (few on death row could claim even middle class)

3. Race of the victim (it’s mostly given for white victims)
The majority of people on death row also have significant intellectual disabilities, severe mental illnesses, and/or horrific backgrounds of intense trauma.

Our politicians kill people who are barely lucid and somehow convince some people that this is justice or tough on crime.
Most of all to be for the death penalty is to be against common sense

It’s doesn’t work, kills innocent people, fails to make us safe, wastes resources that could make us safer, fails victims’ families & is biased.

If you advocate for it you’re going to have much to answer for
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