One of the scariest things we've seen in the last few years is the demonization of mid-level bureaucrats, as if they are emblematic of some bizarre deep state conspiracy. From the postman to the aircraft carrier captain, it's the deconstruction of the state.
The inevitable conclusion is that you'd have to be a mental patient to want to hold public office, or maybe even be a non-partisan menial gov employee considering that you may be accused of being some kind of illuminati puppet and have your life threatened.
What I'm watching for is if they start going after judges when it becomes apparent to the true believers that this stop the steal rapture fantasy they have is not coming true. That will be a tripwire warning of worse things in the near future.
Russian and Chinese propaganda, "active measures" or reflexive control really has nothing on what we are doing to ourselves right now. Putin and his boys must have been shocked by how quickly their lame agitprop in 2016 snowballed into something else.
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